
So what do you say in a blog? I created this account in August and have been so good at posting stuff (considering this is my first entry). But I've decided that avoiding the posts has gone on long enough!

Here's a catch up on my life...

I just got back to my temporary home-sweet-home in Alamosa, CO. Alamosa is know to the locals as "The Dirty MO" Ha Ha...but trust me, it's not as exciting as it sounds. It consists of only 2 one-way roads. Thankfully, however, there is Wal-Mart :) of which my roommates and I visit almost daily to stock up on stuff. Well, now that I think about it, we actually just go there to waste time! But Alamosa is turning me into a rough and scruffy mountain man, so that I'm thankful for. I'm here doing my 5th of eight pharmacy rotations...I am graduating in May and will finally be able to legally distribute drugs! It's kinda a scary thought - I am terrified that I'm gonna make a drug-mistake. But thankfully God is sovereign over even the drug industry, and in that I can rest assured.

Recently, God has been working in alot of areas in my life. Its funny how when you grow up being immersed "in the church" you can become complacent with your walk with God...at least that has been something that I've been convicted of as of late. I've been reading Desiring God by Piper, and the introduction chapter alone can only be described as WOW! After reading it, I was convicted that sometimes I let myself forget how awesome God is; how amazing the cross is. I went away from the intro re-focused on my chief end as a man: To glorify God BY enjoying Him forever...It's incredible how we serve a God who calls us to glorify Him by finding our joy in Him. I pray God continues to work in my life.

And with that I am all blogged-out. I gotta work my way up to longer entries in the future!

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