
The Pueblo Slopper...Should This Thing Be Illegal?

So Pueblo has come...My sis Natalie told me the transition from Aussie during the summertime to Pueblo during the wintertime would be a rough one, but sadly I did not know it would be this rough! The 'BLO, as the locals call it, is not nearly as magnificent as the land of OZ. In fact, it is very similar to my previous Alamosa rotation in the sense that Wal-Mart is the most exciting place to be in this town :) I have had one exciting (or should I say nasty) experience, however. When thinking back over this experience, I really do not have much to say...except that I am thoroughly disgusted with myself after eating a "Pueblo Slopper". The Slopper should be illegal! This thing has to be killing people all over Pueblo!!! But they say a picture is a thousand words so I will leave ya'll now to your imaginations. I introduce to you The Pueblo Slopper :)


Jody said...

ugh...that looks terribly gross! I am thinking there has to be some good Mexican/New Mexican food somewhere in Pueblo that far beats this slopper or the walmart food cafe....

Bekah said...

ok....so that is terribly disgusting...ugh! gives me a stomach ache just thinking about it...ughhhh

Mindy said...

It looks like someone barfed on your plate. Gross. Did you seriously eat it?