
The Joys of Knowing God - Much Better Then Anything Else

Recently, I have been going through a “weird” season of life where God has really been showing me some stuff. The most important thing that I think God has shown me, is that in comparison to pursuing Him, everything else means nothing! Now, are there things in life that are good things? Heck ya. Does God receive glorify in our careers and relationships and talents? Absolutely. But I finally realized that if nothing for the rest of my life worked out the way I would have hoped, it wouldn’t matter because I still had God. And I had to ask myself, would I be okay with that? Would I be okay with serving God and receiving the joys of pursuing Him, even if He didn't give me some of the things I desired? And I honestly decided that pursuing God was enough for me.

Now I definitely do desire many things. I desire to have a good career, a working car (which is a rare thing to come by these days in the Bendinelli house!), a relationship, and many other “good” things. But if God is the sole priority of my life, then there is "peace" about life. There is a "calmness" about it. There is such a "joy" about knowing that if nothing in this life ever works out how I expect, I still have the greatest thing, and that is God Himself. God showed me that He wants me...100%. If I give Him 100% then He'll "take care of the rest." God Himself wants my whole attention. He doesn't want me to focus on any career or any girl or anything else. He wants ME – ALL OF ME. HE IS A JEALOUS GOD. Once I give Him my all, then the rest is up to Him. In a sense, this makes things easy :) All I have to do is serve God and follow His promptings on my life, and then He will orchestrate the rest perfectly according to His plan...and He is God, so He knows best and the things He has planned for my life will be the most amazing things that I could ever fathom in my craziest and wildest dreams.

There are things that I desire that are amazing to me. But they are not everything to me. I know that if God wants me to have any of these things, then in the end of the day I will receive them. Now does that mean I can just sit back and do nothing? Heck no. God still calls us to follow His promptings and act upon them. I feel so deeply that He has called me to pursue certain things in life and so I must be faithful to do so. Even though sometimes it is pretty dang hard. Recently I have had to do some pretty hard things! But God has put it on my heart to do so. What better position could I be in!!!? The Lord of the Universe called me to do things out of my comfort zone. Things “the world” would call crazy and un-doable. Friends shot it down. My classmates shot it down. My coworkers shot it down. BUT God said otherwise. GOD SAID OTHERWISE. Therefore, I have nothing to lose. The world can doubt, but God uses the most impossible situations to show His glory. He wants to make those "un-doable" situations do-able. He wants to make those "impossible" situations possible. He wants to make "doubters" believe. He wants to show us that He is God. And at the end of the day, if it doesn't work out, guess what? I still have God. And that's all that matters. So if that is the truth about God, then I can make a fool out of myself all day long because He knows what is best.

There is a thing, however, about following God's leading. Does it mean that if we follow what God calls us to do, the outcome we expect is gonna happen? Not necessarily. I do feel that God has called me to be faithful to pursue certain things and do certain things. I have felt His presence and His calling and His will concerning that. However, that doesn't necessarily mean I will end up ending up where I feel He may want me to end up. He may be calling me to pursue these things for a different outcome. He may be calling me to these things to build my faith, or to build my trust, or to build my love...but not necessarily for me to end where I feel I may end up. At this point, I am going full-force. But I also need to realize that His plans in the end may be different and if something that I feel is unexpected does happen, I need to trust Him that He is fully sovereign over the situation. Is God calling me to pursue certain things? I believe so. Will I end up being or having exactly what I would like? Not necessarily, but there’s only way to find out :)

Psalm 3:5-6 says:

“Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct your paths.”

In terms of this verse, I think God calls us to LEAN ON HIM...TRUST HIM...LOVE HIM...and not on our own understanding. He wants us not to make decisions based on what WE THINK IS BEST or based on WHAT MAKES SENSE TO US. But to the contrary, He wants us to throw our faith in Him and throw 100% of our joy in Him. If we do this then He will reveal Himself to us. He will reveal His will to us. He will reveal to us what He wants us to do. What decisions He wants us to make. What things He wants us to pursue. And when this happens, we need to DIVE in and live the fire for Him. Sometimes the things God calls us to do won't always make sense and they definitely may not be easy. But that is why He calls us to lean NOT on our own understanding. Don't do things based on what makes sense to US but do things based on what the Lord Himself leads us to do. Our job is to not focus on our goals or jobs or relationships or finances or anything else. But we must FOCUS ON GOD...100%. If we do this, He will make everything else perfect. He will "take care of everything else" and it will be beautiful. Live the fire my friends. Live the fire for God.

Much Love,

1 comment:

Janelle Shank said...

that's awesome ryan...God is so kind to give us the Best thing - Himself - in place of the things we think are better. thanks for sharing what He's teaching you!